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Who we are

We are Europe’s leading train and coach app. To put it simply, we are a one-stop-shop for train and coach travel. Every day, we gather routes, prices, and travel times from over 270 rail and coach operators in 45 countries, so that everyone can buy tickets quickly and save time, effort, and money. We stay one step ahead, so all of our customers don’t have to, we are making it easier for them to buy the best ticket for their journey with giving them live, personalised travel information on the go via our awesome app.   We offer a comprehensive collection of travel options to our customers, as well as unique, AI-driven information to help them make the best decisions.


Our mission

We are Europe’s leading train and coach app. Our aim is to bring together all rail, coach and other travel services into one simple experience so people can get the best prices and smart, real-time travel info on the go.


What we do Trainline currently operates through the following two segments:


1. UK and International

We sell rail and coach tickets to people all over the world on behalf of all the major UK and European rail and coach companies and offer rail passes in Japan to inbound visitors through our partnership with JTB. Our consumers can:

  • save money with SplitSave just by split ticketing their train journey
  • get live journey info with Crowd Alerts
  • have a quick access and avoid queues with digital tickets


2. Trainline Partner Solutions

Trainline Partner Solutions (TPS) provides industry-leading, innovative rail technology solutions for businesses, travel sellers and rail carriers to empower travellers to choose rail worldwide. Our solutions for businesses gives companies of all sizes full visibility, cost controls and management of their travel spend and their employees an easy way to book rail. Travel sellers have access to a suite of solutions to help them grow their business in the easiest, most cost efficient way to integrate rail into their offering and ultimately put rail at the heart of more journeys. Our Carrier partners use our high converting, high quality ticketing solutions to help them meet current and future demands of rail travel at a lower cost to serve. Our aim is to make the complex world of rail and ticket retailing simple. Our people We are proud of our team of over 600 bright, highly talented and diverse individuals from more than 40 different countries, who every day strive to make a positive difference in the lives of millions of travellers, from our offices in London, Paris and Edinburgh.

  • 600+ strong team and highly talented and diverse people
  • 40+ nationalities
  • 35% female representation


Our core values  Our company’s vision and culture are supported by our core values. By having defined and clear business values, we can ensure that all our employees are working toward the same goals. The four core values that are at the heart of everything we do are: Wow our customers – Blaze new trails – Focus on impact – One team